Latrice Smith

About Me

Voyage Dallas - Today we’d like to introduce you to Latrice Smith.

Latrice, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
What led me to being a physical trainer was mainly me. Myself-hate towards myself and health issues lead me to want to be better all the way around. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. Me having a seizure disorder made me have to change my lifestyle and fight hard not to let it change me. Which also leads me to why do I consider myself the ideal trainer overall? The best answer I can give you is, I was once YOU! I took my body through trial and error, almost the entire process. I can relate to you because I’ve had a child before so I am oh so familiar about the stomach puge that seems to go nowhere.

Throughout the years, I let myself go and had gained a lot of weight and was very unhappy with myself. And that may not pertain to you but trust me, we can all agree that there is SOMETHING we don’t like about ourselves that is possibly changeable. Not neglecting the fact that it’s healthy for you. I myself also encountered a health scare besides my disorder to where it made me want to take things a lot more seriously. So like anyone else, I did a little research and started training myself doing basic things such as: walking everyday, squats, ab exercises; I even ran from time to time and I still didn’t see the changes I felt I should have seen putting in as much work as I had done. Eventually, I sought out a trainer who is now a body building IFBB professional athlete named Floyd Williams. I trained under him as a volunteer for four years at O.C.B.F. Fitness Center; who not only trained me but was gracious enough to instill alot of his knowledge, which made me pursue my own certification which I received this year. This encouraged me to explain more in depth by what I mean when I tell you I struggled. For a whole year, maybe even a year and a half I know I wasted my time in that gym. Mainly because I didn’t understand that it was a science to it all. I would go workout with my trainer. Then go home and eat what I wanted because I felt all the hard work I had done in the gym that day would show regardless of what I ate. Or because I walked a little more one day, I felt I deserved a cheat meal. But baby, was I wrong! To just think if I would have just listened in the beginning, it wouldn’t have taken me so long to achieve my goals. That’s where I come in with you. I know your struggles. I understand them. This body is not the same one from high-school. The reason why I took the time to study, learn, and incorporate everything I’ve retained to get you your results in a shorter amount of time than me, only if you’re open to guidance. I would hate for you to endure my trials when there are various ways to get you there.

Has it been a smooth road?
I have Epilepsy and it’s not fully controlled so I still have seizures from time to time. I can’t drive until I go six months without a seizure, which since 2008, I have been unsuccessful. With public transportation, I still make a way to be there for my clients. I have yet to experience a situation where I have had to cancel for any reason centering the fact by the grace of God. That’s possibly the most frustrating for me. To have limitations.

We’d love to hear more about Booty by Tri.
Booty by Tri came from a close friend of mines. She would say it in a chant, excited about her glute gains lol. I know how important glutes are for women. So I chose to capitalize on glutes and legs as my specialty. This program is actually my most popular one. Mainly because my clients see major changes in such a short amount of time. Booty by Tri GGP is a 8 session glute program that has proven to successfully lifts and build a better bottom using resistance bands and weight training. I’ve had clients see changes as soon as their third sessions. This program is literally how I bring in my clients. They come in wanting a butt, then see their butt lift and want to train legs. After they see their legs come together, they want to do full body. So it’s an ongoing thing for us and I love it! The happiness they get from meeting their goals is priceless to me!

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
Hopefully we will get back to more natural bodies. Not taking away from it at all. But the truth is its a physical quick fix. At least while you’re working out to see your physical gains you’ll be building a better temple in the long run. I see myself going mainstream (industry). I’m training two of Dallas Elite women at the moment. One is a professional comedian and the other is a Nike Super Athlete. So I would say I’m making waves that way. Grateful to have trained some of the most resilient women and men in Dallas for the most part and I’m here for it!